A couple of Dhiho’s seahorse秋の浜スキューバ
I was able to see a couple of Dhiho's seahorse at Akinohama. 秋の浜でハナタツのペアーに会えました。 Seahorse Sea & Nature Communication ...
UMINOWA happy-new-year 伊豆大島ダイビングうみのわ
Sea & Nature Communication 伊豆大島ダイビングうみのわUMINOWA 伊豆大島旅宿うみの和 うみのわfacebook うみのわinstagram うみのわYouTube
Hymenocera picta(フリソデエビ)伊豆大島秋の浜
I could see a Hymenocera picta(フリソデエビ)at Akinohama beach.Sea & Nature Communication伊豆大島ダイビングうみのわUMINOWA伊豆大島旅宿うみの和うみの ...
1. Solenostomus paradoxus (ニシキフウライウオ)
We can see some kinds of Solenostomus paradoxus (ニシキフウライウオ) at Akinohama beach. Izu Oshima Diving Uminowa Solenostomus ...
Solenostomus cuanopterus(カミソリウオ) *uminowa*
I saw a pair of Solenostomus cuanopterus at Akinohama beach. How come they find their partner?Sea & Nature Communica ...